
Ontario Dietitians in Public Health School Nutrition Workgroup (SNWG) supports the creation of a comprehensive health-promoting food and nutrition environment in all elementary and secondary schools, and Student Nutrition Programs in Ontario.

This is accomplished through advocacy, collaboration, resource development and resource sharing based on evidence and best practice approaches.  Activities include:

  • identifying and contributing to advocacy issues related to school nutrition;
  • responding to school nutrition issues of concern;
  • providing input to task forces, advisory committees, community health committees, professional organizations, and policy development groups;
  • providing input into school nutrition standards; and,
  • advising SNWG members and the ODPH Executive regarding healthy school nutrition/supportive environments advocacy.

External Liaisons:

  • Ministry of Education
  • Student Nutrition Ontario (SNO)  
  • Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition (OHSC)
  • Coalition for Healthy School Food (National and ON chapter)

Current task groups:


Lead:  Lindsay Fera

Purpose of the Group:  With BrightBites being our main evidence-based resource for schools, this task group works to continuously monitor, maintain, evaluate and revise as appropriate.  

Evidence-Based Recommendations Task Group 

Lead: Jody Dawson

Purpose of the Group: To develop and disseminate evidence-based recommendations on priority school nutrition issues affecting Ontario schools.


Terms of Reference and Key Messages

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