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Evidence Review: Governance Structures that Support Local Food Systems

This rapid review was produced to inform how registered dietitians working in local public health agencies in Ontario can support the development and enhancement of local sustainable food systems. We sought to learn more about the governance structures that currently support local food system transformation; identify who has voice, agency, or power within local food system governance; how the change process is supported; and determine how the effectiveness of these governance structures and processes are measured.

Communications FSWG 2024 Public Food Systems Workgroup

Nourrir les enfants grâce à une alimentation sensible aux besoins

Public ODPH Admin

Nurturing Children Through Responsive Feeding

Public ODPH Admin

Desjardins Summary Report

Public ODPH Admin

Food Literacy Tools Review Methods and Results

Public ODPH Admin

4. Resources for further learning

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

3. Appendix - Position Statement

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

2. Position Statement Executive Summary

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

1. Towards a Weight-Inclusive Approach in Public Health: 2024 Position Statement

weight bias 2024 Public ODPH Admin

FLit Measures & Answer Key

List of questions for FLit50 & FLit16 organized by food literacy attribute and domain, with answers

Public ODPH Admin
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